>First and formost, I'd like to thank God for giving me the ability to do what I'm best at and I would like to thank him for that.
I would also like to thank my parents to encourage me to make my dreams come tru and stand beside me through my life..
Sunny, Karan, Sundeep U kNoW oUr DeAl
~~OnE Of US eqUaLs MAny oF Us, DiSResPecT OnE oF uS, ANd YoU'lL SeE PlEnTy Of uS~~
ShOuT oUtZ tO mY bOyz -Sunjit, Sundeep, Karan, Tinku, Jimmy, Sodhi, Pintu, Onky, Mama Shree, Aman
ShoUt OuT To aLL da SweEt nd NiCe GiRLz - Monica, Arti, Dipstick, Ashima, Pam, Sonali, Simi, Joti, Merlyn, Elsa, Asha, Ritz, Puneet, Meenu and all uz i forgot............
SoRrY ToO mAnY tO LiSt So dOnt Be FeEl LeFt OuT